I hate religion.

I hate religion. I deplore what religion has come to mean, the historical perversion of the term and the idea. People use religion to justify intolerance, equating religion with faith, and faith with God. Religion has nothing to do with God. It has, perhaps, some relation to one's conception of and therefore commentary on God.
People are morons. Why? Name something, it indicates the idiocy of the human race.
Religion is a major one of those indicators. I mean to say that our modern notion of religion, as a set of distinct theologies, is and indicator of our stupidity. When one commits to a religion, the expectation is that one gambles on a team with the expectation that it will get you through to--what? The divine Super Bowl? The Holy Hall of Fame? Some just focus on playing the game, and don't give a shit about the final score. Others only care about who leaves a winner, and they'll commit any foul on the field to get there.
Bullshit. Teams.
The Pope this past week made a speech that quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emporer, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (The Muslim Brothers) are actually being decently rational, calling for a Papal apology. The rest of the damn world is going crazy.
Jesus! (As it were)
First of all, screw the Pope. He's an embarrasment to his entire community and he repeatedly slaps modernity in the face.
Secondly, screw everyone else. If you're not a Catholic and/or you have some semblence of reason, then you don't believe that he's the spokesman of God. So get over it. The Pope is an old bag, and he's going to rant like your senile, racist Grandfather.
I belive in God. There it is, whoopdeedoo, I believe in God. Hell, I even pray. Does this make me an idiot? Maybe. Does it make me a religious person, no. And I won't accept the same criticisms as one could levy on religion. I'm just so sick of the negative connotation that has come to settle over belief, lack of belief, different belief, changing belief--there's no excuse for this. It's something that we forget too often, and that forgetfulness may just end the world.
Then maybe we'll find out who's right and who's wrong.
(I started this intending to write about how I came to be so interested in Islam, but I got sidetracked...I'll get back to this later).

I hate religion. I deplore what religion has come to mean, the historical perversion of the term and the idea. People use religion to justify intolerance, equating religion with faith, and faith with God. Religion has nothing to do with God. It has, perhaps, some relation to one's conception of and therefore commentary on God.
People are morons. Why? Name something, it indicates the idiocy of the human race.
Religion is a major one of those indicators. I mean to say that our modern notion of religion, as a set of distinct theologies, is and indicator of our stupidity. When one commits to a religion, the expectation is that one gambles on a team with the expectation that it will get you through to--what? The divine Super Bowl? The Holy Hall of Fame? Some just focus on playing the game, and don't give a shit about the final score. Others only care about who leaves a winner, and they'll commit any foul on the field to get there.
Bullshit. Teams.
The Pope this past week made a speech that quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emporer, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (The Muslim Brothers) are actually being decently rational, calling for a Papal apology. The rest of the damn world is going crazy.
Jesus! (As it were)
First of all, screw the Pope. He's an embarrasment to his entire community and he repeatedly slaps modernity in the face.
Secondly, screw everyone else. If you're not a Catholic and/or you have some semblence of reason, then you don't believe that he's the spokesman of God. So get over it. The Pope is an old bag, and he's going to rant like your senile, racist Grandfather.
I belive in God. There it is, whoopdeedoo, I believe in God. Hell, I even pray. Does this make me an idiot? Maybe. Does it make me a religious person, no. And I won't accept the same criticisms as one could levy on religion. I'm just so sick of the negative connotation that has come to settle over belief, lack of belief, different belief, changing belief--there's no excuse for this. It's something that we forget too often, and that forgetfulness may just end the world.
Then maybe we'll find out who's right and who's wrong.
(I started this intending to write about how I came to be so interested in Islam, but I got sidetracked...I'll get back to this later).