A collaboration
So I haven't written anything in a long time due to a lot of craziness, but luckily I have Fall Break to get back on the ball.

I have a project in my interactive media class that will give me a lot of opportunity to push my creativity. My boyf, Jeremy, has been writing a blog project for the past few weeks that we've been talking about collaborating on to create something visual along with the writing. You can read it now at http://the-myth-of-being.blogspot.com/ (for some reason, I'm not getting any HTML options on this post, so copy-paste).

The great thing about his writing is that it's already very visual and he's taken care to create a world in which his characters exist rather than just extrapolating out of the characters themselves. I want my piece to explore this world and its possibilities as well as playing with the construction of the characters and the other unique components of the world. I want this to be completely hand drawn, and I imagine a primarily monochromatic scheme with color used sparingly as a highlighter. The writing is such that it doesn't necessitate linear construction, so it will be nice to experiment with using 'plot-points' to let the user interact in a way that would mayber parallel but not necessarily change the outcome of different actions.
You are a king by your own fireside, as much as any monarch in his throne.