Screw you. I went ahead an played your game. I updated to the 'new and improved' blogger. Booo, I say. Fine, I get brand new thematic blog labels. Woohoo. I don't even have the ability to archive these suckers with my layout (which I'll get around to changing one of these days, Jeremy). But here's my beef, Blogger. Why do you have to mess with my perfectly aligned div tags by overriding my hidden blogger bar tag? Is there a way to fix this--damn better be. That thing is obtrusive. If you want to know who I blog with, check out the address . That's all you need to know. My blog shouldn't need to be a portal to other people's blogs. I don't want it to be 'flagged.' The only people who read this thing are Joyce and all of you DSIers who subscribe to my RSS feed (which is very nice, but a little creepy). So the bar is unnecessary, and dammit, it's ugly.