I'm pulling inspiration from the Boards. Yikes. So, prom. I went to 'em. I went to four. Two at my school, two at my high school boyfriend's. They were very prommy. I wore a drop neck red pleated gown my Junior year, which was gorgeous. I made the poor choice of having my hair done up for the first one, which was at my school, and it looked heinous and hard with red lips and a gerber daisy stuck in my head. I went very natural for his that year. Senior year I didn't plan on prom until two days before, so I bought a short beige lace dress and threw a lovely dinner party for 10.
I don't remember who cooked.
I don't remember who cooked.

You know who I love? Diane Rehm. I think that her show is fantastic, and yet she doesn't get that popular NPR personality hype in the style of Ira Glass or Terry Gross. The woman gets two hours, and her show is called 'The Diane Rehm Show'. This should give her some more celeb cred. Plus she has the most distinctive voice, and it's a voice that I would expect to come out of such a fresh faced smiling lady. I mean look at her. That can't be her voice!
Her shows are always quite good. It fills me up on my Washington politics, but then, what's this, a show about prostate cancer or traditional quilting at the 11:00 hour. And I love it, Diane, when you pitch a show and then tell us when and where it is. It's quaint, but fulfilling. "Departing Secretary Kofi Annan speaks about his term and his hopes for the future of the UN: The Diane Rehm Show...Thursday." I just want her to bake me a pie.
Oh, and Warshington. Brilliant.

You know who I love? Diane Rehm. I think that her show is fantastic, and yet she doesn't get that popular NPR personality hype in the style of Ira Glass or Terry Gross. The woman gets two hours, and her show is called 'The Diane Rehm Show'. This should give her some more celeb cred. Plus she has the most distinctive voice, and it's a voice that I would expect to come out of such a fresh faced smiling lady. I mean look at her. That can't be her voice!
Her shows are always quite good. It fills me up on my Washington politics, but then, what's this, a show about prostate cancer or traditional quilting at the 11:00 hour. And I love it, Diane, when you pitch a show and then tell us when and where it is. It's quaint, but fulfilling. "Departing Secretary Kofi Annan speaks about his term and his hopes for the future of the UN: The Diane Rehm Show...Thursday." I just want her to bake me a pie.
Oh, and Warshington. Brilliant.
Blogger!!! (2)
Ok, I went back in an changed the visibility of the bar. And yet, my tender divs are STILL off their tracks. Unacceptable. So Blogger thought they'd be clever and put their bar inside an iframe. Hello, 1998. Floating frames, woohoo! Why don't we use table-layouts, too!
I hate you.
I hate you.
Screw you. I went ahead an played your game. I updated to the 'new and improved' blogger. Booo, I say. Fine, I get brand new thematic blog labels. Woohoo. I don't even have the ability to archive these suckers with my layout (which I'll get around to changing one of these days, Jeremy). But here's my beef, Blogger. Why do you have to mess with my perfectly aligned div tags by overriding my hidden blogger bar tag? Is there a way to fix this--damn better be. That thing is obtrusive. If you want to know who I blog with, check out the address . That's all you need to know. My blog shouldn't need to be a portal to other people's blogs. I don't want it to be 'flagged.' The only people who read this thing are Joyce and all of you DSIers who subscribe to my RSS feed (which is very nice, but a little creepy). So the bar is unnecessary, and dammit, it's ugly.
Most people who know me know that I have a rather violent sweet tooth. My mom used to keep a jar with candy wrappers she found in my laundry, and over a year, it became rather vulgar. I just love sweets--candies mostly--cakes and cookies for sure, but I'll generally reach for confections over baked goods. This is what I know.
Lately, however, I've been able to stay away from sweets. By habit, I scan the candy aisle before checking out of the grocery store or pharmacy, but nothing has stricken my fancy (except for Jelly Belly, but that was a fluke, and they're seriously gourmet good). Point being, though, that my cravings have been either for fresh fruit (yea!) or chips, pretzels, and crackers (boo!) I never eat french fries. I ate french fries. I don't know if it's the thought of salt, or some kind of filling carby flavor, but's brutal.
Lately, however, I've been able to stay away from sweets. By habit, I scan the candy aisle before checking out of the grocery store or pharmacy, but nothing has stricken my fancy (except for Jelly Belly, but that was a fluke, and they're seriously gourmet good). Point being, though, that my cravings have been either for fresh fruit (yea!) or chips, pretzels, and crackers (boo!) I never eat french fries. I ate french fries. I don't know if it's the thought of salt, or some kind of filling carby flavor, but's brutal.
Bad Weather
I'm not entirely sure what came through our house, but it's bad. The place is trashed, and this is my fault. I'm not a particularly filthy person. I'm good with dishes for the most part (the most part). I have a clutter problem. I don't even know where all of my stuff comes from. Do ordinary people have the amount of stuff that I do? Is it filed away neatly and kept just so that space is efficiently filled rather than haphazardly consumed by piles of God knows what? I can't even begin to file away my clutter. Where exactly does one put little bobbits and do dads and pieces-of-things-that-should-be-put-back-together-but-will-never-make-it-that-far? On my nightstand is a water glass, a thing for holding things (mostly pushpins), a nail clipper (for all of those nails I grow), a vintage circle pin, exactly 1 earring back, a 'princess' ornament in the style of things that my mother buys me and I put on flat surfaces, a broken pencil, eye shadow, a box of thank you notes, and a lamp. A box of pore strips is sticking out of my unmentionable drawer, which holds so many things that I couldn't begin to imagine, much less mention what they are.
And we're just talking about the top half of one nightstand.
In other news, I'm going to need a roommate next year...
And we're just talking about the top half of one nightstand.
In other news, I'm going to need a roommate next year...
Babe, you got Sole
Kate is another one of those people who doesn't easily flip her lid. But grammar is one of those things that can drive intelligent people crazy. I know this because I date Jeremy Griffin, who is both intelligent and crazy (which is why I like him so much).
So, editors are supposed to catch mistakes, right? Apparently not in Kate's textbooks.
Soul vs. sole.
Soul Cleansing
Shoe Sole
Everlasting Soul
Sole reason.
The only adjective form of soul is:
of, characteristic of, or for black Americans or their culture: soul newspapers.
So, editors are supposed to catch mistakes, right? Apparently not in Kate's textbooks.
Soul vs. sole.
Soul Cleansing
Shoe Sole
Everlasting Soul
Sole reason.
The only adjective form of soul is:
of, characteristic of, or for black Americans or their culture: soul newspapers.
So they're hiring all sorts of high-end designers to do Target pret-a-porter or home furnishings or what have you. I have mixed feelings about this.
A) The WalMart effect--Target is a mass distributor of product and therefore buys cheaply. Designers who might normally have their pieces produced in high-standard conditions are now selling their designs and name to Target which can then outsource.
B) Cute stuff, fits a budget--Who doesn't like finding a well-fitted shirt, pair of trendy jeans, leather flats, and hoops for under 80 bucks total. Plus, I can pick up some hair dye and thumbtacks.
Corporate responsibility, or cheap chic?
A) The WalMart effect--Target is a mass distributor of product and therefore buys cheaply. Designers who might normally have their pieces produced in high-standard conditions are now selling their designs and name to Target which can then outsource.
B) Cute stuff, fits a budget--Who doesn't like finding a well-fitted shirt, pair of trendy jeans, leather flats, and hoops for under 80 bucks total. Plus, I can pick up some hair dye and thumbtacks.
Corporate responsibility, or cheap chic?

I have a small female cat,
You probably know this.
She runs into things and
Sometimes she falls over
The breeder thougt she was a little retarded
She might be.
I like it.
She does, too.
It's great, having a toy that gives high fives.

I have a small female cat,
You probably know this.
She runs into things and
Sometimes she falls over
The breeder thougt she was a little retarded
She might be.
I like it.
She does, too.
It's great, having a toy that gives high fives.
Some People
Some people think they're average and they are.
Some people think they're average and they're not.
Then there are some other people.
Some people think they're average and they're not.
Then there are some other people.
My Media Project

Joyce, this is not a rant to you.
I've been working on this bugger for a good, long, while. I think it's fair that I make it available for comment. It's a huge file, doesn't have a preloader, and I'm sure it needs to be debugged, but what the hey. This is definitely the largest flash-project that I've ever done. My library is gigantic (not that size matters, but the elements were all hand photoshopped). Basically, this post is a little chance to brag about what I've been doing. I'm happy with it. The coding could be a hundred times cleaner and the whole thing a lot more efficient, but you know, it looks good.
Yea me.

Joyce, this is not a rant to you.
I've been working on this bugger for a good, long, while. I think it's fair that I make it available for comment. It's a huge file, doesn't have a preloader, and I'm sure it needs to be debugged, but what the hey. This is definitely the largest flash-project that I've ever done. My library is gigantic (not that size matters, but the elements were all hand photoshopped). Basically, this post is a little chance to brag about what I've been doing. I'm happy with it. The coding could be a hundred times cleaner and the whole thing a lot more efficient, but you know, it looks good.
Yea me.
I need a soul-refreshing resolution this year, and I think that it'll be a toughie.
I have got to cut out the meanness. I call this 'The Bambi Resolution'. If I can't say anything nice, I shan't say anything at all. This, in all likelihood, will end five minutes after the ball drop as a I make some snarky comment about how many sluts there are out on New Years Eve. Hey, things take time. But I've realized that arrogance is an unattractive trait, and the most fantastic people that I know are unconditionally kind. I've allowed myself to become annoyed a lot more in the past year, and honestly, I think that this is a result of just showing off. I'm not really an annoyed person. I'm not even really a cynic. I don't like to yell, and I don't like to hold grudges or talk badly about people while smiling to their faces. This is not me.
Or at least it won't be me in a few weeks.
I have got to cut out the meanness. I call this 'The Bambi Resolution'. If I can't say anything nice, I shan't say anything at all. This, in all likelihood, will end five minutes after the ball drop as a I make some snarky comment about how many sluts there are out on New Years Eve. Hey, things take time. But I've realized that arrogance is an unattractive trait, and the most fantastic people that I know are unconditionally kind. I've allowed myself to become annoyed a lot more in the past year, and honestly, I think that this is a result of just showing off. I'm not really an annoyed person. I'm not even really a cynic. I don't like to yell, and I don't like to hold grudges or talk badly about people while smiling to their faces. This is not me.
Or at least it won't be me in a few weeks.
Lip Infusion
Is for women, Jason, and you can take that to your man-beauty column. I saw a television commercial today with a buxom brunette who was sexily rolling a steel ball coated with shiny balm on her lips.
And dammit, she made it look fun.
And dammit, she made it look fun.
Tortilla Night
I can get really hung up on words sometimes, which is horribly irritating. They play back in my head over and over, glazing over cognizant thoughts and any other sensory information that's processing in there at the same time. I sometimes unconsciously put that word to the tune of songs, which then get thrown in the mix, adding that every-annoying song in the head to the word in the head and creating a cacophany of bad melody, repetative syllables, and the drone of my own inner voice.
That word right now is 'Tostitos'.
The song is Silent Night.
That word right now is 'Tostitos'.
The song is Silent Night.
Lima Beans
Things that are really very good get a very bad reputation. I think we just like to reinforce hatred.
I have a really hard time forcing. When I work at it, color becomes highly offensive, and I get frustrated with myself and I detest my eyes. I never took color theory, and maybe that's an idea for the future. Still, when I don't think about it, color comes easily and it ends up shocking me when it works. I think that color is fascinating, and people's perception of color even moreso. I like looking at what people put together for themselves.
I think that people who wear color indicate something rather personal about themselves. I feel most comfortable in black, but then I'll manage to combine a wild palette and feel just dandy. I wonder if people can read my fear level by my outfits.
I think that people who wear color indicate something rather personal about themselves. I feel most comfortable in black, but then I'll manage to combine a wild palette and feel just dandy. I wonder if people can read my fear level by my outfits.
Do we make our own shortcuts, or are some people just lucky enough to find them? I think that we've become a society that has devalued the American Dream to a right rather than a privilege. We don't come out of the womb entitled to success. We're so barraged by images of the successful American--and maybe I speak only for myself and my own social class--and we go on to expect that just to happen. I've had the fortune of finding myself in good situations with great opportunities. Have I necessarily crafted them for myself, or am I just benefitting from luck or karma? How soon will I run out, or will I continue unknowingly laying stones a step ahead?
Lay your stones. Only the wealthy have them laid out forever.
Lay your stones. Only the wealthy have them laid out forever.
I want to be a home-bulemic
I have a love/hate relationship with home and garden magazines. I'm not so bothered by fashion mags. They are something that I feel I could tackle should I so be inclined. I'm a reasonably stylish person.
Home and Garden magazines, on the other hand, are just a tease. I feel like this is something that can never happen to me. How I would love to have a quaint victorian home strewn with Scandanavian-designed minimalist furniture, a few 20K Persian rugs, and a pair of pedigree greyhounds lounging on an antique daybed strewn with Thai silk pillows. The gratuitous kind. But really--who are these people who live in these houses? Fine, I get the house. Fine, I have the cash to furnish and decorate. What then? Hire a decorator? No--this is not satisfying. Decorate myself? Sure, when? And then the living part.
Nobody lives like this. Yes, I realize that these homes are doctored before the photography. But it's the same reason women puke after meals to acheive that fakey model look. I want to be a home-bulemic.
Home and Garden magazines, on the other hand, are just a tease. I feel like this is something that can never happen to me. How I would love to have a quaint victorian home strewn with Scandanavian-designed minimalist furniture, a few 20K Persian rugs, and a pair of pedigree greyhounds lounging on an antique daybed strewn with Thai silk pillows. The gratuitous kind. But really--who are these people who live in these houses? Fine, I get the house. Fine, I have the cash to furnish and decorate. What then? Hire a decorator? No--this is not satisfying. Decorate myself? Sure, when? And then the living part.
Nobody lives like this. Yes, I realize that these homes are doctored before the photography. But it's the same reason women puke after meals to acheive that fakey model look. I want to be a home-bulemic.
My Brain Doesn't Work Every Way
I wonder if it's contracted and hardened over the years.
I think I'm going to be one of those elderly women who rebels against modernity and has to do things her old way. This is frightening to me.
I used to be frightened of being an unfashionable mother.
My mother likes pop music, my father likes snowboards and gadgets.
I am like my father.
I think I'm going to be one of those elderly women who rebels against modernity and has to do things her old way. This is frightening to me.
I used to be frightened of being an unfashionable mother.
My mother likes pop music, my father likes snowboards and gadgets.
I am like my father.
Whoa, (Name)
It's nice when things get rolling. I like when chatter finally makes things happen. I'm guilty of aimless excitement and plans without a roadmap, so when I'm finally pushed over the edge on a project, it's exhilerating and relieving. I finally have a tangible goal in mind for developing a product and for translating my creativity into something with a serious purpose. And, maybe even moreso, I have an avenue for challenging my interests to the point that they become serious talent. This is very good. I've felt like everything that I've done so far has merely been in preparation for some future activity, and now I have an opportunity to DO rather than to prepare.
Thank God.
Thank God.
Gaming III
There still are problems between gamers and non-gamers. Like I said, interaction has an added element of complexity. Gamers game all the time, and this is ok, but it as difficult for the non-gamer to understand as is the non-gaming mindset to the gamer. This poses the question, when are the games over? How can we turn off our games? Or turn them on? Will gamers and non-gamers ever come to a complete understanding and equality, or will there always be a high level of mistrust? How can we play without knowing that we're playing, and once we play, can we quit the game, or must we see it through?
Gaming II
The thing that I like so much about games is that they're always going to play out differently. You know that it's going to come to a close at some point, and no matter the outcome, there's certainly been a good deal of fun, and someones going to want a rematch. Games shake things up. You don't have to be yourself in games.
I played a great game a few weeks ago.
I played a great game a few weeks ago.
If you know me, you know I'm a game person. Some people are game people, and some are not. There are different kinds of game people, surely, but there's something inside everyone that makes you either a gamer or a non-gamer. I have lots of non-gamer friends, and this is fine with me, and I can appreciate them just as well as any other friend, but it definitely puts interaction in a different context. Maybe non-gamers are a little more serious or practical.
My dad is a gamer. My mom is not. I grew up hanging out with my dad. My sister grew up hanging out with my mom. My sister is not a gamer.
I love board games. And card games. Video games sometimes. I learned to play chess, cribbage, dominos, gin, and poker over summer trips, especially on the 20 hour flights overseas. I still never turn down an opportunity to play any sort of game. This is usually hindered by non-gamers, because if you have even one non-gamer in a group, gaming is difficult.
Nobody will ever play Scrabble with me.
My dad is a gamer. My mom is not. I grew up hanging out with my dad. My sister grew up hanging out with my mom. My sister is not a gamer.
I love board games. And card games. Video games sometimes. I learned to play chess, cribbage, dominos, gin, and poker over summer trips, especially on the 20 hour flights overseas. I still never turn down an opportunity to play any sort of game. This is usually hindered by non-gamers, because if you have even one non-gamer in a group, gaming is difficult.
Nobody will ever play Scrabble with me.
I'm writing
I'm not writing
I'll write
Maybe I'll do it
I'm not writing
I'm definitely not writing
No, I don't know
I'm writing
I'm not writing
I'll write
Maybe I'll do it
I'm not writing
I'm definitely not writing
No, I don't know
I'm writing
Kill Bill
I finally watched Kill Bill II yesterday--an activity that was long overdue since I saw the first three years ago. Not as pleased with the cinematography of the sequel. I don't know why Tarantino took a more conventional route with this one. Sure, there were some beautiful scenes, namely, the Kung Fu scene on the mountain, which was really nicely done. Still, the first was just a gorgeous film. Regardless of the visuals, I had a lot of questions at the end that I was thinking about in bed that night, and I never think about movies after they're over. (OK, not never, but rarely). Jeremy looked up some stuff on it for me, but didn't answer any questions. Apparently both films comprise of hommages to different films. Neat.
So I deleted an entire folder in my server which made me lose a bunch of templates and swf files and such for a period online. But I recovered everything backed up on my mac, so that's good, huh. Haven't updated this guy in like a month now out of sheer forgetfulness and lack of time. I think I'd like to get back on track in the coming weeks though because it's nice to dump your brain out every so often and I have a lot of dumping to do. Heading out for class now, but I thought I'd let this air out for a second. I'm dubious about going to Open Eye this afternoon, which isn't fair.
A collaboration
So I haven't written anything in a long time due to a lot of craziness, but luckily I have Fall Break to get back on the ball.
I have a project in my interactive media class that will give me a lot of opportunity to push my creativity. My boyf, Jeremy, has been writing a blog project for the past few weeks that we've been talking about collaborating on to create something visual along with the writing. You can read it now at (for some reason, I'm not getting any HTML options on this post, so copy-paste).
The great thing about his writing is that it's already very visual and he's taken care to create a world in which his characters exist rather than just extrapolating out of the characters themselves. I want my piece to explore this world and its possibilities as well as playing with the construction of the characters and the other unique components of the world. I want this to be completely hand drawn, and I imagine a primarily monochromatic scheme with color used sparingly as a highlighter. The writing is such that it doesn't necessitate linear construction, so it will be nice to experiment with using 'plot-points' to let the user interact in a way that would mayber parallel but not necessarily change the outcome of different actions.
I have a project in my interactive media class that will give me a lot of opportunity to push my creativity. My boyf, Jeremy, has been writing a blog project for the past few weeks that we've been talking about collaborating on to create something visual along with the writing. You can read it now at (for some reason, I'm not getting any HTML options on this post, so copy-paste).
The great thing about his writing is that it's already very visual and he's taken care to create a world in which his characters exist rather than just extrapolating out of the characters themselves. I want my piece to explore this world and its possibilities as well as playing with the construction of the characters and the other unique components of the world. I want this to be completely hand drawn, and I imagine a primarily monochromatic scheme with color used sparingly as a highlighter. The writing is such that it doesn't necessitate linear construction, so it will be nice to experiment with using 'plot-points' to let the user interact in a way that would mayber parallel but not necessarily change the outcome of different actions.
i've Been thInkIng about CapItalizatIon
The English language is the only written language that capitalizes the self-referrential pronoun (I). Spanish, German, etc., capitalize words for the singular and/or plural form of You. Most languages capitalize no pronouns, but they do capitalize God.
Does the Anglo tradition deify the self while other cultures place emphasis on interaction with others? It would seem that a great deal of our history indicates such a pattern; our culture relies on keeping Number 1 happy. Is this the effect of development? Of upward social mobility? When this begin, such an awkward capitalization practice?
i would really like to know
Does the Anglo tradition deify the self while other cultures place emphasis on interaction with others? It would seem that a great deal of our history indicates such a pattern; our culture relies on keeping Number 1 happy. Is this the effect of development? Of upward social mobility? When this begin, such an awkward capitalization practice?
i would really like to know
They're like pigeons

September. Somewhere outside of San Fransisco, several years ago.
He showed me his favorite course, we drove around
The green, and grazing on the soft golf grass
They watched us watching them, maybe
A dozen deer.

September. Somewhere outside of San Fransisco, several years ago.
He showed me his favorite course, we drove around
The green, and grazing on the soft golf grass
They watched us watching them, maybe
A dozen deer.
I Love Religion (A rebuttal)

I love religion. I love the tapestry that religion weaves with threads of culture, tradition, and history--the way that the fabric changes and moves, and how that cloth is used--as a robe, a tent, a piece of art. Religion is one of those things that you can't avoid. I think that it's a part of human nature. Not the concept of religion as we have it today: belief in God and certain tenants that we should follow to up our holy status. But religion in the sense of having a core philosophy, a trust in something that exists outside of yourself--even if that trust is only that oneself is the only vessel for understanding the world. Is this a human construct or some sort of coping mechanism? Perhaps, but that doesn't invalidate it or make it any less necessary or real. The point of religion, as I see it, is not a means to and end, it's a means to an existence, a 'means to a means.'
I love religion because it's completely fascinating. The different mythologies that we've created that all really mean the same thing (mythology not in the sense of fiction, necessarily, but a construction of adages and verse and oral history). This is what I wish we could all appreciate about religion rather than argue about which construction is right or better. But looking past the horrors that we've committed in the name of "religion," there is something beautiful about the personal association humans can have with a belief. That's what makes us extraordinary--that we can believe in things, that we can establish moral value systems, that we can conceive of life and of death and of an ego, a body, a connection between ourselves and other egos and bodies.
Religion is what makes this all matter.
Not belief in God or Allah or Jehovah or Buddha or The Force--just simple belief that there is an intent behind our actions and thoughts, and that they affect another individual or even the environment. Trust in something else.
This is why I love Islam. That trust and that investment in religion, in something greater, in the word of Allah...It means something huge. Islam comes in a number of tasty varieties, but each has the potential to become intimately entwined in a persons life. So much that the person becomes a part of a community in which Islam is intimately entwined with the community. So much that the community can shift different forms--an Empire, a number of states, members of a legal system--the dar al-Islam. Diin (دين) means religion, medina (مدينة) means city, same root, not a mistake. The city is an essential unit because it is a source of people, of the faithful. The implications that kind of association has on society, politics, foreign policy, and individual lives are major. And that all springs out of one religion--pretty powerful stuff. It's certainly not a thing that we can or should discount, and why would we want to? If nothing else, it shows the strength of humanity, and maybe even the strength of something outside of humanity. Perhaps something even greater.
I love religion because it's completely fascinating. The different mythologies that we've created that all really mean the same thing (mythology not in the sense of fiction, necessarily, but a construction of adages and verse and oral history). This is what I wish we could all appreciate about religion rather than argue about which construction is right or better. But looking past the horrors that we've committed in the name of "religion," there is something beautiful about the personal association humans can have with a belief. That's what makes us extraordinary--that we can believe in things, that we can establish moral value systems, that we can conceive of life and of death and of an ego, a body, a connection between ourselves and other egos and bodies.
Religion is what makes this all matter.
Not belief in God or Allah or Jehovah or Buddha or The Force--just simple belief that there is an intent behind our actions and thoughts, and that they affect another individual or even the environment. Trust in something else.
This is why I love Islam. That trust and that investment in religion, in something greater, in the word of Allah...It means something huge. Islam comes in a number of tasty varieties, but each has the potential to become intimately entwined in a persons life. So much that the person becomes a part of a community in which Islam is intimately entwined with the community. So much that the community can shift different forms--an Empire, a number of states, members of a legal system--the dar al-Islam. Diin (دين) means religion, medina (مدينة) means city, same root, not a mistake. The city is an essential unit because it is a source of people, of the faithful. The implications that kind of association has on society, politics, foreign policy, and individual lives are major. And that all springs out of one religion--pretty powerful stuff. It's certainly not a thing that we can or should discount, and why would we want to? If nothing else, it shows the strength of humanity, and maybe even the strength of something outside of humanity. Perhaps something even greater.
I hate religion.

I hate religion. I deplore what religion has come to mean, the historical perversion of the term and the idea. People use religion to justify intolerance, equating religion with faith, and faith with God. Religion has nothing to do with God. It has, perhaps, some relation to one's conception of and therefore commentary on God.
People are morons. Why? Name something, it indicates the idiocy of the human race.
Religion is a major one of those indicators. I mean to say that our modern notion of religion, as a set of distinct theologies, is and indicator of our stupidity. When one commits to a religion, the expectation is that one gambles on a team with the expectation that it will get you through to--what? The divine Super Bowl? The Holy Hall of Fame? Some just focus on playing the game, and don't give a shit about the final score. Others only care about who leaves a winner, and they'll commit any foul on the field to get there.
Bullshit. Teams.
The Pope this past week made a speech that quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emporer, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (The Muslim Brothers) are actually being decently rational, calling for a Papal apology. The rest of the damn world is going crazy.
Jesus! (As it were)
First of all, screw the Pope. He's an embarrasment to his entire community and he repeatedly slaps modernity in the face.
Secondly, screw everyone else. If you're not a Catholic and/or you have some semblence of reason, then you don't believe that he's the spokesman of God. So get over it. The Pope is an old bag, and he's going to rant like your senile, racist Grandfather.
I belive in God. There it is, whoopdeedoo, I believe in God. Hell, I even pray. Does this make me an idiot? Maybe. Does it make me a religious person, no. And I won't accept the same criticisms as one could levy on religion. I'm just so sick of the negative connotation that has come to settle over belief, lack of belief, different belief, changing belief--there's no excuse for this. It's something that we forget too often, and that forgetfulness may just end the world.
Then maybe we'll find out who's right and who's wrong.
(I started this intending to write about how I came to be so interested in Islam, but I got sidetracked...I'll get back to this later).

I hate religion. I deplore what religion has come to mean, the historical perversion of the term and the idea. People use religion to justify intolerance, equating religion with faith, and faith with God. Religion has nothing to do with God. It has, perhaps, some relation to one's conception of and therefore commentary on God.
People are morons. Why? Name something, it indicates the idiocy of the human race.
Religion is a major one of those indicators. I mean to say that our modern notion of religion, as a set of distinct theologies, is and indicator of our stupidity. When one commits to a religion, the expectation is that one gambles on a team with the expectation that it will get you through to--what? The divine Super Bowl? The Holy Hall of Fame? Some just focus on playing the game, and don't give a shit about the final score. Others only care about who leaves a winner, and they'll commit any foul on the field to get there.
Bullshit. Teams.
The Pope this past week made a speech that quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emporer, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen (The Muslim Brothers) are actually being decently rational, calling for a Papal apology. The rest of the damn world is going crazy.
Jesus! (As it were)
First of all, screw the Pope. He's an embarrasment to his entire community and he repeatedly slaps modernity in the face.
Secondly, screw everyone else. If you're not a Catholic and/or you have some semblence of reason, then you don't believe that he's the spokesman of God. So get over it. The Pope is an old bag, and he's going to rant like your senile, racist Grandfather.
I belive in God. There it is, whoopdeedoo, I believe in God. Hell, I even pray. Does this make me an idiot? Maybe. Does it make me a religious person, no. And I won't accept the same criticisms as one could levy on religion. I'm just so sick of the negative connotation that has come to settle over belief, lack of belief, different belief, changing belief--there's no excuse for this. It's something that we forget too often, and that forgetfulness may just end the world.
Then maybe we'll find out who's right and who's wrong.
(I started this intending to write about how I came to be so interested in Islam, but I got sidetracked...I'll get back to this later).
So much funny
I'm in the tech booth at 24LIVE watching Chris Conklin's Happy Hour after doing a ridiculous ComedySportz set.
This 24LIVE has made me very sad. It's the first one that I haven't really been too involved in because my body is still going crazy. I've been taking a veritable cold and sinus cocktail, and the shit hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm still trying to recover from a feverish 3:30 AM rap battle, after which I was driven home and went to bed shaking like crazy.
My seven friends and boyfriend, however, are moving into their 16th hour of improv (although they just returned from a four-hour I guess technically 12th hour...except for Jeremy who did Diplomat for an extra hour). Poor things. I know that Carolina students do that dance marathon, but that's just physical exertion. These guys are not only on their feet, but they actually have to listen and respond to each other. They're absolutely brilliant, and I'm super proud of them for being so continually enthused.
The theater's filling up again, which is great. We got a decent crowd out for our Baby Liberty show, which wasn't bad. I'm still having difficulty with my mental functions.
This 24LIVE has made me very sad. It's the first one that I haven't really been too involved in because my body is still going crazy. I've been taking a veritable cold and sinus cocktail, and the shit hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm still trying to recover from a feverish 3:30 AM rap battle, after which I was driven home and went to bed shaking like crazy.
My seven friends and boyfriend, however, are moving into their 16th hour of improv (although they just returned from a four-hour I guess technically 12th hour...except for Jeremy who did Diplomat for an extra hour). Poor things. I know that Carolina students do that dance marathon, but that's just physical exertion. These guys are not only on their feet, but they actually have to listen and respond to each other. They're absolutely brilliant, and I'm super proud of them for being so continually enthused.
The theater's filling up again, which is great. We got a decent crowd out for our Baby Liberty show, which wasn't bad. I'm still having difficulty with my mental functions.
Look Ma! No Paper!

Ok, so I've been wanting a tablet for my computer for ages, and my friend Ted just let me borrow his for a test drive. I'm hooked. I love to draw, but I rarely pull out my supplies. Especially charcoal. Messy.
So this blogger stuff doesn't independently support any extra programming languages and I styled all my images to fit in this frame. Therefore, I apologize in advance for the cheesy pop-up if you want to see them full-sized. (Hey, this is a design class, right?) Also, props to Safari for doing such a great job compressing images. And balls to the other guys that continue to pixelate the hell out of anything that's been resized. Boo.
So, drawing. I used to be so good at it and I feel like my eyes need some retraining. I've gotten really lazy about keeping a sketch journal and I just don't feel inspired anymore. I'm falling into this trend of thinking that I'm just not good enough to bother, even though it's something that I love. Same goes for my webdesign. I know that I can do good things, but I get ridiculously discouraged. I need a new challenge. I want a specific project to confront, and I want my ass kicked into shape. I feel that it's almost a waste of time to take the studio classes here after being in Glasgow because there's a lot of mediocrity. My work is feeling completely mediocre, too. Ugh.
But the tablet's still super-fun.

Ok, so I've been wanting a tablet for my computer for ages, and my friend Ted just let me borrow his for a test drive. I'm hooked. I love to draw, but I rarely pull out my supplies. Especially charcoal. Messy.
So this blogger stuff doesn't independently support any extra programming languages and I styled all my images to fit in this frame. Therefore, I apologize in advance for the cheesy pop-up if you want to see them full-sized. (Hey, this is a design class, right?) Also, props to Safari for doing such a great job compressing images. And balls to the other guys that continue to pixelate the hell out of anything that's been resized. Boo.
So, drawing. I used to be so good at it and I feel like my eyes need some retraining. I've gotten really lazy about keeping a sketch journal and I just don't feel inspired anymore. I'm falling into this trend of thinking that I'm just not good enough to bother, even though it's something that I love. Same goes for my webdesign. I know that I can do good things, but I get ridiculously discouraged. I need a new challenge. I want a specific project to confront, and I want my ass kicked into shape. I feel that it's almost a waste of time to take the studio classes here after being in Glasgow because there's a lot of mediocrity. My work is feeling completely mediocre, too. Ugh.
But the tablet's still super-fun.
Le Corps Malade
I love bodies. I really do. I like the way they look and feel and interact. I like the way clothes change bodies. And personality changes bodies. And photography and art change bodies. I like what bodies mean for society, and our obsession with bodily perfection. Maybe that's why I get so rail thin. I like body parts and the whole shebang, the way skin hangs or stretches. I love pores, the way they look when you get right up close to them and suddenly a single pore is a crater. I love breasts and necks and lower backs. I like the jut of a hip bone and the way a knee or an elbow looks like a butt when you press it together.
I like how our bodies communicate with us.
My body is protesting against something. You know, I think I'm treating it pretty well, but it's really angry. My throat is sore, my head is all full of helium, I have this crazy little rash, and I have these giant welted bug-bites on my feet that are waking me up at night. How am I supposed to break it to my poor body that I have to deprive it of sleep this weekend? That's the fucking salt in the wound--28 hours at the theater, 10 of those teching and another 1 or 2 playing. I think my body might actually kill me. (Which would be awkward considering the circumstances).
I like how our bodies communicate with us.
My body is protesting against something. You know, I think I'm treating it pretty well, but it's really angry. My throat is sore, my head is all full of helium, I have this crazy little rash, and I have these giant welted bug-bites on my feet that are waking me up at night. How am I supposed to break it to my poor body that I have to deprive it of sleep this weekend? That's the fucking salt in the wound--28 hours at the theater, 10 of those teching and another 1 or 2 playing. I think my body might actually kill me. (Which would be awkward considering the circumstances).
I'm no Artist
Maybe because I like to, and maybe because I have to, I've been thinking about good design. There's too much bullshit out there that pretends to be or thinks that it is good design. But it's not. And that makes me mad. I just did a project for a group that paid some crackpot webdesigner 600 bucks for something that looks like an unfinished PowerPoint. The whole site was four pages and a fucking splash screen. A BAD splash screen.
I'm not fantastic. I lose more and more faith in my eye every day. But for crying out loud.
Still, all is not lost:
I think in my backend and webstandards adreneline rush, I forgot just to have fun. The fun was in making something neat with numbers and squiggly lines in a text editor. I miss the art. Some of these things (i.e., the PSP gallery) are concepts that I've had and in that case tried to put together but gotten too bored to do. (But balls to some of the usability...when can we reconcile beauty with some GD navigation already?)
I'm not fantastic. I lose more and more faith in my eye every day. But for crying out loud.
Still, all is not lost:
I think in my backend and webstandards adreneline rush, I forgot just to have fun. The fun was in making something neat with numbers and squiggly lines in a text editor. I miss the art. Some of these things (i.e., the PSP gallery) are concepts that I've had and in that case tried to put together but gotten too bored to do. (But balls to some of the usability...when can we reconcile beauty with some GD navigation already?)
Time of Mind

We assume time to be continuous, chronology gradiential. But can time exist without life? If we can only understand time in the human context, is it really meant to be continuous? Or,
Is time a compilation of distinct units?
Considering that humans may be the only species to conceive of the past, present, and future, we can understand only events and their placement according to the wider experience of life. Time does not pass, life passes. So how, then do we chart the passage of life? We construct units.
Thin lines, black and white, stacking. New, ongoing, old. Birth, death.
Nothing goes on--it exists and then it does not.

We assume time to be continuous, chronology gradiential. But can time exist without life? If we can only understand time in the human context, is it really meant to be continuous? Or,
Is time a compilation of distinct units?
Considering that humans may be the only species to conceive of the past, present, and future, we can understand only events and their placement according to the wider experience of life. Time does not pass, life passes. So how, then do we chart the passage of life? We construct units.
Thin lines, black and white, stacking. New, ongoing, old. Birth, death.
Nothing goes on--it exists and then it does not.